Surveys and my new favorite cleaner

A while back a friend told me that she took online surveys–and the best part was, she got paid for it!  I checked into it and found a legitimate company and have been doing these surveys for over a year now.

Check out this link-you can sign up for free and they will send you surveys.   The more surveys  you take that they send you-the more they will send.  You can earn money, or you can get money in the form of gift cards.  I always use mine for

Keep in mind a couple of details…
1) You aren’t going to make a lot of money. I only get a few surveys a month. And some of them I don’t qualify for  (I am not the right age they are looking for, gender, etc.)
2) Some of them take some time. 
3) Sometimes you are asked to try a new product-you go buy it and then they reimburse you. 

I usually do this at night when my kids are in bed when we are watching TV or something that doesn’t take a lot of brain power.  It’s not a stressful thing for me.  I let the points add up over time and then can redeem them.  Just something fun if you are interested!

AND have you tried the Magic Eraser?!
(I know I may be the last person in the world to have tried this, but It.Is.AWESOME!

I have cute little boys that play trucks and I had a bunch of scuffs on my walls that I couldn’t get off with cleaner and they were really bugging me.  I busted out one of these erasers-and scrubbed-and it really was like magic! You must try them.  I have gotten all sorts of “permanent” marks off my walls with them.

4 Replies to “Surveys and my new favorite cleaner”

  1. I am actually signed up with several companies for online (paid) surveys. A friend of mine got me started on some and here in Atlanta we also do some paid focus groups – I was paid $75 to watch a TV sitcom episode and $100 to look at and critique some vacuums. I also have a Field Agent app on my iPhone (only for the iPhone right now) where they have “shops” you do at local stores and they pay you to answer questions and send a picture. If you want more info let me know. My friends and I pay for girl’s nights out with our “little extra” money.

  2. I would like more info about more online surveys. I have been doing field agent for a while and over the last few months I have made about 50 bucks! If you see this, my email is I just signed up for the global opinion panel and I sure hope there are some surveys that are worth more than the 250 or it will take a long time to work up to getting anything out of it! I’m sure the reviews of products will be, just not the getting to know you ones. found the blog via pintrest with the lucky baskets pin. Really cute I am going to do that this year!

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