Food Nanny to the Rescue!

One of my new years goals is to get better at meal planning AND only going to the grocery store every two weeks. Lately, 4:00 comes around and it becomes a pancake night again…bleh. That’s fine every once in a while, but I like breakfast in the morning 🙂
I got to flip through channels the other night and stopped on this Food Nanny. She is helping people all over the place. The dinner table really is such an important place to build our relationships with our families. I love her show.  Check out this video below. And watch her show on BYU tv.
She has links to her shows that deal with, families with picky eaters, short order eaters, eaters that need more veggies, mixing the meals up a little, cooking on a budget, cooking quick AND healthy, etc.
What your family deals with – She has it!
Here is the website where you can create your own meal calendar with her.  The best part?  It’s FREE!
Happy meal times with your families.
p.s. cute sisters?  let’s share recipes! If you’re interested in my recipes, share your email and I’ll send you some of our family favorites…

6 Replies to “Food Nanny to the Rescue!”

  1. I watched the video clip and now I’m ready to try it. This should make it SO much easier! Especially if I enter a recipe and then share it will all of you! Thanks for sharing this link. P.S. Why is there a question mark after Cute Sisters???? lol!

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