25 Replies to “Easter Egg Coupons – Free Printable”

  1. Cutest idea! My boys have to earn their game time too and would be more excited about more of it than candy too! 🙂 Hope you have a great week!

  2. Thanks for the ideas! We are hiding a 50 piece puzzle. It will be fun to find and put the puzzle together!

  3. What an original no-candy Idea. I love this!! Thank you for sharing it on our blog, Fine Craft Guild in the linky party. A new party will open later today and sure hope to see you there again, with more terrific ideas like this!!!

  4. Found you at the SomeWhat simple link party (and met you at BYBC 2013). Fun ideas we can use in our family! I’m sharing these! You have great ideas!

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