5 Photo Apps and Snapstagram.com!

I am an avid Instagrammer. 
I’ve used Instagram for over a year, and have over 1,500 photos.
I am still obsessed with it, and use it daily!
I also love to find photography apps that aide in making amazing Instagram photos.
These are My Top 5 Photography Apps that I use every.single.day!
1. Snapseed: This is my most recent addition to my photography apps, and I love, LOVE this app. If you know the ins and outs of photography, this app will be perfect for you. It allows tuning your image brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpening, ect. It also crops, adds frames, filters, and center focus.  I paid $4.99 for this app. That’s the most I’ve ever spent on an app, but as a photographer and avid phone photographer, it has been totally worth it.  (I’ve also heard that this app is even more amazing on an ipad, but I don’t have one, so I can’t test that out)
2. VSCO Cam: I also really love VSCO. This app edits your photos to look like they were taken with film. It was only $.99 and has been a good addition to my group.  It has 3 black and white conversions that I use most often, and 7 different color filters that are all fully adjustable. It also can crop, adjust brightness, fill, highlights, etc.
3. Camera +:  I use Camera + the least of these three camera apps, but it has one special feature that the others don’t have: a self timer! I personally haven’t perfected that art, but I follow some people who have, and it can be so amazing! Love that.
4. Whitagram: This app lets you place your photo in the format the phone took it in on a white background so that when you post it in Instagram, your photo is all that you see (not the normal black background). It also lets you add text and change the background color. This app was free!
5. PicFrame: PicFrame is the collage app that I use to add more than one picture to my instagram photos. It is fun to use, and works great!
*Tip: I always use the regular camera on my phone to take pictures, and then edit them non-distructively in the editing apps, instead of using the camera in the app and only getting one shot at the photo. 
So– once you have amazing Instagram photos, what do you do with them?
I am in the process of coming up with some Instagram inspired projects… 
but first I wanted to print off some of my photos! 
I used Snapstagram.com and my photos look awesome!
Snapstagram allows you upload your Insta photos and print off rolls of 12. 
It was easy to do, and they came so fast!
It was in cute little packaging and the photos are great!
I can’t wait to do something awesome with them.
Thanks, Snapstagram!

Give these apps a go, and improve your camera photos!

9 Replies to “5 Photo Apps and Snapstagram.com!”

  1. I loved your post about photography tips. I have been amazed at all of your photos on FB and I have wanted to learn what you do. Thanks for this. So I am new at this phone app stuff since I just got a n updated phone. Which app should I start with?

    1. Lis, I’d just start with instagram itself! There are lots of cool filters and things to do with your pictures there. And then once you want something more, do one of the collaging apps so that you can do more than one picture at a time. 🙂 Can’t wait to see your pictures! love ya!

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