Learn Photoshop Online with Photo by Emilie

If learning more about Photoshop is on your to do list, you should really look into the Photography Workshops by Photo by Emilie.  She has four different classes to choose from.  Choose one, or maybe do all four!  Learning photoshop online, at home (in my pajamas), is my favorite way to take a class.


Emilie has four classes available – Manual Mode Class, Creating Perfect Lighting, Editing a Portrait, and Designing in Photoshop.

I was able to download and watch the class called Designing in Photoshop.  This is an intermediate course for Photoshop.  I’ve played around with Photoshop enough before that this class was perfect for me.   My favorite things that I learned were more about the shape tool, the color tool, and some shortcut keys.  I knew about these tools before, but now I actually know how to use them.  Watching Emilie in action was so much easier for me to understand than trying to figure things out on my own.

Last week I made two different handouts for my Young Women using some of the new techniques I learned from Emilie’s class.   I just love how they turned out.  It’s amazing how much easier it is to create something when you know a few tricks.


Download 7-up Handout – I printed these at Costco on 4X6’s, getting 2 handouts per print.  Super cheap and doesn’t use all your ink.

Download Stop It Handout  – I printed these at home on 8.5X11 white card stock.  Printing 8 to a sheet.

All printables and downloads made by Bits of Everything are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.  Please do not alter or claim as your own. Feel free to link back to http://blog.bitsofeverything.com/ if you like our printables.  We would love a comment if you download. Thanks!

6 Replies to “Learn Photoshop Online with Photo by Emilie”

  1. Just a friendly heads up… you’ve got a typo on the stop sign printable… It should be “fill” instead of “feel” your heart with love. Oops! Don’t ya hate it when that happens?

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