Homemade Suckers

I think all of us siblings have a memory of making Homemade Suckers with our Dad growing up.
Emily and I were reminiscing about how we would break the suckers apart
and put all the broken pieces and crumbs in a bowl to eat.
Such fun memories.
Recently, we got all the old sucker stuff from my parent’s house and had a blast from our past!
After we washed and dried the molds,
we set them out on a cookie sheet and greased them.

Then we put the sucker sticks inside..
We also made sure we had our food coloring and the (older than the hills) flavoring ready,
because once you start cooking, it goes fast!
Then we combined our ingredients into a sauce pan,
cooked to hard crack (300),
put in the color and flavor,
and poured it into the molds.
We then stuck them in the freezer for a minute or two to cool them off and let them harden.
Then we wrapped them up with this cool plastic wrap!
Our taste testers were pleased!
 We had so much fun doing these,
They tasted just like we remembered…
and I know Emily has already done them again with her kids.
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup corn syrup
food coloring
1/2 cup water
1/4 to 1/2 tsp oil flavoring
Combine sugar, water, and corn syrup. Cook to hard crack (300 degrees). Remove from heat–add flavoring and food coloring.  Stir approx. 2 minutes.  Pour into molds arranged on a cookie sheet or marble slab.  (grease molds and cookie sheet with cooking spray) Makes 10-15 suckers. Recipe may be doubled.
Thanks for the memories, Dad!
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9 Replies to “Homemade Suckers”

  1. What fun!! I just showed your dad this post and told him I was so surprised he has been holding out on us all this time. What a great idea.

    1. We always set them in the fridge or freezer to speed up the set time. Check after 15 minutes in the freezer and if they are hard to the touch, they are good to go!

  2. Do you glaze your suckers so they aren’t sticky. I am try to make honey suckers and they turn out great but become sticky when I wrap them. Any suggestions would be great. Don’t want to post them on my site until I figure this out.

    Thank you

  3. Ms.cali I am so desperately trying to find some of the medal molds like yours. Can you tell me where I can find them. I have tried everywhere. Your suckers look so yummy. I have made some but it’s been a long time. I like the medal molds better. It’s hard to find them. I happen to come across your web site. Can you help me.

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