
A few weeks ago on pinterest,
I found THIS darling idea for interviewing your kids.
Since the photo linked back to flickr, and not a blog,
I don’t know who to credit the idea to.
I knew I wanted to do this with my daughter even though she’s only 3,
so I made myself a template for it.
I love how it turned out!
I also wanted to do one for a child a little older,
so I borrowed my nephew Kody and added some additional questions for him.
For all you photoshop/photoshop elements users out there,
here is the psd file.
You can change the questions (for bigger or smaller kids).
When you pull in the photo you want to use, put it in the layer JUST above the square you want it in.
Then right click on the photo and choose “create clipping mask”
that will make your photo clip down to the perfect square underneath it.  Make sense?
You can also change the color of the square that you leave showing by highlighting the layer of that square, selecting the paint bucket, selecting a color, and clicking on the square.
If you don’t have photoshop, you can easily do something like this with your kids without this template! Just ask them questions and date it. 
It’s so fun to see their responses!

Savvy Southern StyleSumo's Sweet StuffThe DIY Show OffKeeping It SimpleThe Girl Creative

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13 Replies to “Interview”

  1. This is so dang cute! I am doing this with my little girl. Thank you so much for sharing! I pinned it to my Pinterest so that I always know where to find it. 🙂 Thank you so much for linking up to Strut Your Stuff Saturday- we would LOVE to have you come back tomorrow and link up more of your great posts!
    -The Six Sisters

  2. this is so fun!! i’m gonna do it with my 2 1/2 year old today…. she is a riot. I can’t wait to hear her responses! thanks so much for sharing! just found your blog today….. love it! come see me sometime:)

  3. I LOVE this! I think the next time my grandkids are here I’m going to do this, with questions like what’s your favorite thing about Mommy?…Daddy? Then give them to their Mommy and Daddy for part of their Christmas..thanks so for sharing!!!

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